Miapetra Kumpula-Natrin puheenvuoro lohkoketjuteknologiasta täysistunnossa 1.10.2018


MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri puhui maanantaina 1.10.2018 Euroopan parlamentin täysistunnossa Strasbourgissa lohkoketjuteknologian mahdollisuuksista ”Hajautetun tilikirjan teknologia ja lohkoketjut: luottamuksen lisääminen välikäsien poistamisen avulla”-mietintöä koskevassa lähetekeskustelussa.


Miapetran puheenvuoro kokonaisuudessaan englanniksi:

Mrs. President,

All new technologies pose a difficult question: how to best take the advantage of the new tools – but avoid potential pitfalls that might come along?

Blockchain and DLTs are part of the great digital transformation. Together with developments in Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, social media and very high capacity connectivity, these new technologies will radically change the way we do things.

Challenges so often debated here in the plenary are many; security, privacy, trust and let’s say copyright are familiar to digi-MEPs. Some problems have a straightforward solution. DLT will make sure that information moves with speed but that it remains secure and transactions cannot be manipulated but each party sees modifications.

One promising application is the field of copyright. A distributed ledger can give both artists and art consumers a better, more transparent method of knowing who made which piece of digital art.

But there are other, more wicked, problems. Take for example trust in society. How will DLTs increase trust, if new financial instruments based on the technology are volatile and non-transparent? Moreover, how do we secure, that core functions of the society, such as taxation or prevention of crimes, can still function in a world where data is no centralised?

I see that blockchain technology developers need to answer these questions when developing the technology and applying it – hopefully disrupting some old thinking and models of way of life today. I am also curious to see how old companies will find new ways to integrate this technology. Public sector and governments must also change and learn to do things better with the new technologies.

Mrs. President,

I support the active role by the commission and parliament to get involved on possibilities of the block chain and DLT.

We as a society need a strong but soft approach to new technological possibilities.

We must not curb innovation but set framework for legal and trustworthy environment. So, we need to learn our self and be fast to recognise new situations and effects – and do corrective moves if need be.


Lohkoketjutus ei välttämättä ole ihmelääke, joka ratkaisee kaikki ongelmamme. Mutta se on tilaisuus, mitä emme voi ylenkatsoa.


Keskustelun jälkeen Kumpula-Natri, kreikkalaismeppi Eva Kaili (S&D) ja EU:n digitaalisista sisämarkkinoista vastaavana komissaari Andrus Ansip vielä palasivat vielä aiheeseen.

– Lohkoketjutus ei välttämättä ole ihmelääke, joka ratkaisee kaikki ongelmamme. Mutta se on tilaisuus, mitä emme voi ylenkatsoa. EU:lla on mahdollisuus näyttää tietä kohti uusia luotettavia liiketoimintamalleja sekä julkisia palveluita, mitkä tuottavat parempia palveluita ihmisille, Ansip kirjoitti tviitissään.




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