Puheenvuoroni täysistunnossa Ukrainan tilanteesta

Puheeni täysistunnossa 15.12.2022. Keskustelun aiheena Venäjän infrastruktuuriin ja siviilialueille kohdistuneiden iskujen vaikutus Ukrainan humanitaariseen tilanteeseen.

Ukraine saw its first snow this mid-November. Just couple of days after the new wave of missile attacks targeting energy infrastructure left approximately 10 million people, our friends, without electricity and a warm place. As we speak, organisations are providing generators in coordination with Ukrainian authorities to ensure electricity supply to critical facilities, hospitals, schools and heating points for people to get together. However, this is not enough and we need to do more to win the war and to protect Ukraine, their land and homes.

Winter conditions in Ukraine, where temperature can drop below 20 degrees, brings a new dimension to the humanitarian crisis in the country. As energy is weaponized, we have to stay firm. It is seen in our countries too, with unbearable prices homes sometimes need to pay. We need a resistance together with Ukrainians. We need to act on every level. And I don’t bear any populistic talks in this crisis.

Slava Ukraini





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