Katso tallenne: “Building a European approach to Data Society”, TI 23.06. klo 13

Katso tallenne webinaarista täältä!

I have the pleasure to invite you to a public webinar on “Building a European approach to Data Society”, taking place on Tuesday the 23rd of June from 12:00 to 14:15 CET, hosted and organized by MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, the ITRE committee’s rapporteur on the Data Strategy report.

The volume of global data is predicted to increase from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes in 2025, amounting to a 530% increase. Access to data and fair use of data will become ever-increasingly important to us all – citizens, companies and the public sector, to empower us to find better solutions and make better decisions for today and tomorrow. What are the prerequisites to make this upcoming global transformation a success for Europe? In a global world of data, what should the European approach to the data society look like?

Join us in an event with one on one debates between key experts and stakeholders of the sector. 

The registration is open, please register via this link. The same link can be used to participate in the event on Tuesday, June 23. 


The event is moderated by Samuel Stolton, Euractiv


  • – Welcome and opening words by MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri
  • – Keynote speech by Commissioner Thierry Breton
  • – Intervention by Mr Timo Harakka, Minister of Transport and Communications


Debate 1 – B2B data sharing

  • – Mr Sebastian Lifflander, Senior Policy Advisor, European Digital Media Association EDIMA
  • – Mr Luc Hendrickx, Director, SMEUnited

Debate 2 – B2G and G2B data sharing

  • – Mr Per-Olof Svensk, Senior Advisor and Project Manager at the Swedish Transport Administration
  • – Speaker 2 Mr Joost Vantomme, Director of Smart Mobility at ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturer’s Association)


Debate 3 – Personal vs. non-personal data – an impossible distinction? 

  • – Mr Agustin Reyna, Director, Legal and Economic Affairs, The European Consumer Organisation, BEUC
  • – Mr Phillip Malloch, Director Social and Economic Policy, EU Affairs, Facebook


Debate 4 – Governance of common data spaces

  • – Mr Yvo Volmann, Head of Unit, Data Policy and Innovation, DG CONNECT, European Commission 
  • – Mr Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow and Head of Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation & Digital Economy, CEPS. 


  • – Comments from MEPs working on the file 
    • MEP Eva Maydell, EPP
    • MEP Damian Boeselager, Verts/Ale

Looking forward to welcoming you at the event,
Miapetra Kumpula-Natri,


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