Speech about Technology and Trade Council (TTC) at the plenary of the European Parliament

Speech about Technology and Trade Council at the plenary of the European parliament on 11 November 2021

The Chair and Commissioner,

The establishment of the Trade and Technology Council between the European Union and the US earlier this year is highly welcomed. It provides a valuable platform to cooperate on the topical matters of today and tech and trade issues, as well as to strengthen transatlantic relations.

We are living in the interconnected world, which underlines the importance of cooperation. 

To give an example, the world is changing due to the emergence of AI. It is important that we discuss the advantages of AI and ensure that it is utilized in a responsible, transparent way in accordance with universal human rights.

We need a human-centered AI that improves health and does not cause mental sicknesses.

 Another example that world does not afford are trade barriers to hinder green tech to help the climate crisis.

Because of the work of Trade and Tech Council encompasses topics that are political and which are dealt in the European Parliament, it is crucial that the Parliament is will be informed about progress of the work in the TTC.

Let me finish here as a Vice Chair for the US Delegation and Transatlantic  Legislator’s  Dialogue: committees involved have agreed to establish a sub-committee to follow on the work of Tech and Trade Council to complement the scrutiny work of the committees.


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