Speech at the plenary of the European Parliament: Digital Services Act

My speech about the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the plenary of the European Parliament on the 19th of January in 2022 Dear Speaker, Dear Colleagues We must build our digital future on the basis of human rights, and not let human rights disappear when online. There are many laws which protect people in real […]
Speech at the Nordic Council of Ministers

Digital inclusion in the European Union, the Nordic Council of Ministers, speech 26.11.2021 Dear friends, colleagues, Honourable ministers, audience, friends, There is much that unites the Nordic and Baltic countries. One very concrete thing is of course the sea. The sea has always been the door to trade and explore. This openness has made us […]
Available for meet and greet on 5th December in Hakaniemi market

MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri is available for meet and greet on 5th December in Hakaniemi market starting at noon. Come and talk about the latest news about Europe. Even the market is outdoors, please come only if you are healthy! You can read more in Finnish about the market here.
Speech about Technology and Trade Council (TTC) at the plenary of the European Parliament

Speech about Technology and Trade Council at the plenary of the European parliament on 11 November 2021 The Chair and Commissioner, The establishment of the Trade and Technology Council between the European Union and the US earlier this year is highly welcomed. It provides a valuable platform to cooperate on the topical matters of today […]
Interview: The dream of equality: UN Women Finland member, MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri calls for more discussion about the underrepresentation of women in technology

UN Women Finland celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2021. To celebrate, we want to tell the stories from our members; after all, they are the beating heart of our organization. They support our work for equal world, which is crucial for us so we can keep on fighting for women and girls in the future. […]
Speech at the European parliament’s plenary about future of EU-US relationships

Speech at the European parliament’s plenary about future of EU-US relationships 5.10.2021 Thank you Chair, With the challenges of today, it is so crucial that we work together with other democracies. It makes us stronger to defend our values and our safety. Climate change, technological transformation and international trade tensions are just few of the […]
European Vision for Artificial Intelligence – thinking, investing and sharing together

I often get asked how the Europe will survive in, and benefit from, the era of artificial intelligence. I think the answer starts and ends with the idea of united Europe. I think it is self-evident that we need mission-oriented and coordinated mind-set at the EU level. Fragmented patchwork of national policies will not work. […]
AI and labour – watch the webinar!

AI could complement the productivity, value and skill of human workers, and relieve them from tedious and dangerous tasks. But this will not happen automatically. In fact, till now, the computer revolution has seen a decline in bargaining power of labour, increasing job precariousness, and pressure on labour and fundamental rights, from collective bargaining, to […]
Writing in Financial Times: In search of a feminist AI

Forget discrimination and gender inequality, and get ready for artificial intelligence, which we can use to make fair and equal decisions for us! Or can we? The speed of the technological development around us is breathtaking. Artificial intelligence is no longer science fiction, but present in our everyday lives. Be it the personalized recommendations of […]
Why EU needs digitalization after COVID? // MEP Kumpula-Natri Keynote in Vauban event 8th Dec

The COVID 19 has highlighted the need of connectivity and digitalization. What should be EUs way forward? MEP Kumpula-Natri’s keynote in the Vauban event “The Era of Infrastructure 4.0 – How digitalization can help infrastructure face the challenges of a post-Covid world”